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Your ProPhoto Version

Unregister a ProPhoto setup

You may use ProPhoto twice from one license, but what if you have a setup that you want to unregister?

  1. Go to the WordPress “Themes” area
    Login to WordPress and visit the “Appearance” > “Themes” screen.
  2. Activate a different theme
    Choose another theme to activate, such as Twenty Fifteen or any other WordPress theme. This will deactivate ProPhoto.
  3. Delete ProPhoto
    You’ll notice that you may only delete a theme which is deactivated – once ProPhoto is not the active theme, click to select it (don’t click to activate it) and you’ll see the option to delete the theme.
  4. Contact us
    After you’ve completed the steps above, contact us and we will remove the old registration from your history, freeing up your license for another use.

If you have a ProPhoto setup that needs to be registered, see our install ProPhoto guide to learn how.