The ProPhoto Customizer offers many areas where you can choose a font style that you created in the “ProPhoto > Customizer > Font Styles” area. If you haven’t already created the font style you want to use, you can click to start working on a new style immediately, right from the selection dropdown.
Menu font style
All of your navigation menus are styled by default from the settings found in your “ProPhoto > Customizer > Menus > Appearance” area.
Use the three tabs in this area to style the three types of menus that are found on your site – the mobile menu, horizontal menus, and vertical menus.
These selections can also be found in appearance customizations of the Template level item of your layout editor area.
Select any font style preset, and your menu links will appear in that style on your site.
Mobile menu links
The menu which appears for narrow-width browsers, like phones and tablets, is styled by your font style selection in the base menu appearance tab seen in the screenshot above. This menu slides from the side of the browser when you swipe or touch the ‘hamburger’ three-line menu icon at the top of your site, seen in this example video:
Simply use the MOBILE MENU FONTS section at the top of this screen to choose a font style preset for each of up to three levels of menu links. You can also control separately the background color, dividers, and other styling for each link level. See our separate Modify menu appearance tutorial for other mobile menu appearance options.
Horizontal and vertical menu links
Any menu widget placed in your layout is styled by your selection in the other two tabs in this Menu Appearance area – Horizontal and Vertical Menu Appearance tabs.
Select a font style with the options selectors, and that font appearance will apply to the menu widgets placed on your site.
Override link appearance for certain menus
You can override the default styles chosen in the area described above in parts of your layout. Simply click to edit the appearance settings for any block, row, or column to find a style override option, seen in this example:
For more on this topic of overriding styles for specific parts of your layout, see the Control the appearance of your template layout tutorial.
Content Area Font Styles
To adjust the text and link styling seen in your page & post content, to go the “ProPhoto > Customizer > Content” area. Select a tab along the top of this screen to choose the font style for that part of your content.
These font styles apply to all the content in your posts and pages. The Post Header area applies style to post/page titles. Go to the Post Body Text area to make changes to your paragraph font style. Also in Post Body Text is an area for applying font styles to headings 1 through 6 in your content.
Use different style for specific text in a post or page
At the moment, the only way to style specific words or phrases within your posts & pages is to use the Heading 1 through 6 styles. And these styles apply to complete lines of text, so the only way to style words or phrases within your paragraphs is to use custom HTML code, CSS styling, or a WordPress plugin which adds features to the WordPress page editor.
Widget font styles
Text widgets are added to your design in the “ProPhoto > Customizer > “Layout” area. You’ll first want to set your general font style on a “Template” level.
This is the best way to apply a consistent style to all your widget titles or text.
Override text styling for specific widgets
Each part of your template layout (block, row, column) includes tools to override the default styling of text in your widget headlines and content. To learn how to override styling in each part of your layout, refer to the Control the appearance of your template layout tutorial for details.
Form Font Styles
Set your default font styles for form field labels, inputs and the submit button in the base template. Click the template cog in “ProPhoto > Customizer > Layout” and go to “Font Areas > Forms.”
Override text styling for specific forms
If you need to override your form font style selections for certain pages, you can do so by editing a child template and returning to “ProPhoto > Customizer > Layout > Template > Font Areas > Forms”.
Copyright text, Comments, Grid text, and more
In the Customizer you will also find font style selection areas in “Backgrounds,” “Grids” and “Comments” areas. Most of these are self explanatory; they allow you to adjust the font style in that area. A couple are worth pointing out, though.
- Copyright text at the bottom of your site is styled by settings in the “Backgrounds” area
- Archive page title text is styled by settings in the “Content > Post header” area