Once the ProPhoto theme is activated and registered within your WordPress site, you will see two new options appear in the WordPress admin sidebar on the left hand side of the screen. They are Galleries and ProPhoto.
Galleries Options
As the name suggests, the Galleries option area is where you can create and manage your ProPhoto galleries. You can click the Add New option to create a new gallery and you can click Galleries to manage all previously created galleries. This area operates very similar to posts or pages within your WordPress site.
You can learn all about ProPhoto Galleries in the Photo Galleries section of our support site.
ProPhoto Options
The other option area you see, titled ProPhoto, offers three different submenu items, Settings, Customize and Manage Designs.
- Settings – This section gives you control over all of your site’s backend settings. This includes things like connecting your site to social media accounts, tracking and analytics, SEO settings, etc. Basically, it is for all of the “behind the scenes” stuff that doesn’t directly impact the look or design of your site.Our Settings tutorials provide further information on all of the items included in this section.
- Customizer – Click on the Customizer section to make the magic happen. Doing so takes you to the ProPhoto Customizer app, where you will create your ProPhoto site’s design with our amazing assortment of powerful tools.
Peruse through the rest of our ProPhoto specific support to find tons of tutorial and help on how to use the Customizer. - Manage Designs – As you use the Customizer app to create your ProPhoto site’s design, you will be able to save and switch between designs you create in the Manage Designs area.