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SEO descriptions

meta description seo optionsYour meta description is often used in search engine results. In “ProPhoto > Settings > Advanced > SEO” shown above, you can create a custom description for your blog.

The meta description for (now in a Google search from

Meta description for the blog

Since your blog contains the content of many posts all at once, WordPress will create automatically a meta description for the blog by using your Tagline text, found in the WordPress “Settings” > “General”, seen here:

Tagline text will be used for blog page meta description text by default

Tagline text will be used for blog page meta description text by default

However, you can type some custom text into the ProPhoto Meta descriptions box to provide your own custom text as blog page meta description.

Using ‘excerpts’ for post meta descriptions

Check the “use excerpts” box in this settings area (see screenshot above) and ProPhoto will use any custom excerpt text as the description of your post. To create custom excerpt text, just look for the Excerpt box in your editor screen when you’re working on your post- typically, it is found below your editor main content area and looks like this:


type your own custom text in the “Excerpt” box in WordPress for any post or page you create

If you don’t see the Excerpt box in your editor, you may need to use the “Screen Options” tab at the top-right of your screen to turn on the Excerpt pane in WordPress – just check the Excerpt option, seen here:

use the Screen Options tab at the top of the editor screen to show the Excerpts pane

use the Screen Options tab at the top of the editor screen to show the Excerpts pane

When you fill in custom Excerpt text for your posts, and you’ve checked the option to use excerpts as your meta description, you’ll have specific per-post control over the text shown in search.

NOTE: custom Excerpt text is also used by the Excerpt blog layouts.

Auto-generate meta descriptions when no excerpt

While you can create custom excerpts for posts, custom page excerpts are not the default in WordPress. Check the “auto-generate meta description” box (see screenshot above) and ProPhoto will use the first few lines of post/page text when Excerpt text hasn’t been supplied manually by you. Static pages don’t have a per-page meta description option so keep in mind that the description will consist of the first few lines of text in the page.