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Site icons


A favicon is the small square icon that shows in your browser address bar, browser tab, in your bookmarks, etc. Here is an example in the Safari browser:

favicon_exampleTo create your own favicon, create a square image file in your favorite image editing/creating program, such as in Photoshop. You can make the square image any size you want, but it will be shrunk down so be aware that small detail will be hard to see at the final size.

Once you export your graphic in PNG, GIF, or ICO file format you can upload it in the “ProPhoto > Settings > Site Settings > Social Media > Site icons > Favicon image” area, seen below.

(Internet Explorer 10 only supports the .ico format)


drag your image into the Site Icons area

Save your changes at the bottom of the screen.

Reload your site to see the favicon in your browser. Bookmarks will also use the favicon, seen in this example in the Google Chrome browser:


If you do not have a software tool to create the ICO file format, you can follow these steps:

Apple touch icon image

Upload your Apple touch icon to this same “ProPhoto > Settings > Site Settings > Social Media” screen, seen here:

apple_icon_iphone6_uploadWhen your site is saved to the Home screen of many mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or other iOS devices, this icon will be used to represent a link to your site on the device.

For current recommended sizes, see Apple’s documentation.


adding to home screen in an iPhone6

Saving a website link to your home screen will use the site icon, as seen in this example:


example of apple touch icon on iPhone6 home screen