By default, ProPhoto uses the following phrases for all form submissions:
- Form submitted successfully, thank you.
- Error submitting form, please try again.
You can edit these defaults in the Settings area, found here:
“ProPhoto > Settings > Site Settings > Forms > Feedback options”
Simply type in different phrases, click to Save changes, and your phrases will be shown to visitors when the form is submitted. Easy!!
By redirecting visitors after submitting a form, you will be able to send them to specific web pages which can contain anything you want. This also makes it possible to track the success or failure of form submissions with tools like Google Analytics.
Before you proceed, you might want to create a page in WordPress for your success and error pages. Make sure each is published and not saved as a draft so that visitors can reach them.
Set the default submission redirects for all forms
Navigate to the “ProPhoto > Settings > Site Settings > Forms > Submission redirects” options area. Here, there are two boxes for URL addresses.
- The address when a form submission is successful
- The address when a form doesn’t go through
Simply paste any URL address copied from your browser’s address bar. These redirect addresses will be used for every form you create with ProPhoto. When someone submits a form, they will be taken to the success address, or the error address.
If you use more than one form module on your site, and need to send each to distinct pages, use the form module override, explained below.
Per-form submission redirects
Within the form module options, there is a “Submission” tab that can be used to customize the structure of form emails, and also where you can paste unique success/error redirects used for that particular form.
Much like the default redirects explained above, you can paste any URL address from your browser address bar. When someone submits this specific form on your site, they will be taken to the corresponding success or error page.