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Your ProPhoto Version

Responsive options overview

Not only does ProPhoto set up your content to flow responsively to fit all screen sizes, but the theme gives you a lot of ways to customize the responsive behavior of various elements. The aim of this guide is to give a brief overview of all these options in one place. If you are new to the world of responsive design then first check out “Understand responsive site design “.

Testing responsive options

Don’t forget to preview how your site looks at different widths. As you resize your browser window, your site will resize items, reflow items, and take on appearance tweaks you’ve made for specific screens.

While you’re logged into WordPress, you’ll find an arrow at the bottom-left of your site, which expands the helpful ProPhoto Bar. Use this tool to see which breakpoint size you are viewing, of the Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, and Phone sizes.

click the bottom-left arrow to expand or collapse the bar

click the bottom-left arrow to expand or collapse the bar

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