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ProPhoto automatic updates

One great ProPhoto feature that a lot of folks may not be aware of is ProPhoto’s ability to automatically update itself. Any time we add a new feature to ProPhoto, or make some bug fixes, we can automatically push all of those changes right to our customers.

For 99+% of our customers, these automatic updates occur seamlessly. But for a small number of our customers, their host’s server is not compatible with the update process. (This is usually discovered if ProPhoto tries to auto-update your site and fails.) If your web server is not compatible with ProPhoto’s automatic update process, you can disable the automatic update feature in the Settings area of the Visual Builder, in the Misc. tab:

(This can also be helpful if you have manually edited the ProPhoto theme files. If you have done this, a ProPhoto update will replace the theme with new files. So if you have manually changed any of those files, your changes would be overwritten and disabling the automatic update would prevent this from happening.)

In this settings area of ProPhoto, users can also see which version of ProPhoto is running on their own site, the most recent version we have released, and our minimum required version. And there is a button to trigger an automatic update for your site if you are not running the latest version and would like it. If your site is running an older build of ProPhoto and you are unable to update automatically, you can update using our manual update guide.