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Organize pages in hierarchies

Posts on your blog are automatically organized and shown chronologically by publish date, and can even be grouped into Categories, if desired.  Pages are most often found on a site via a simple Navigation Menu link or drop down.  If you have several Pages to work with, and want a traditional website structure, you can also use the “Parent” WordPress feature to organize Pages into a hierarchy by using a “Parent-child” hierarchy.

How-To Use “Parent”

Simply look for the “Page Attributes” box in your Page editor screen in WordPress, and pick any other Page to act as a ‘Parent’ to your new creation:

Use the page editor to choose a parent page
Pages are organized as child pages

You can also use the Order number box to further control the order of pages – whether they are in a hierarchy or not. This order number will affect how pages appear in lists and drop down menus. See our WordPress Web Pages: Order your pages guide for details.

Why create a hierarchy?: URLs and Paths

By creating a structure for the Pages you create, a few cool things can happen.

  1. Organized: you can find your Pages easily in the “All Pages” WordPress screen because they will be grouped in your hierarchy as seen in the How-To screenshot above, making it easier to find and manage your Pages
  2. Widgets: WordPress Widgets can list the Pages on your site and obey the hierarchy you create:
  3. URL addresses and SEO: if you are using WordPress Permalinks, the URL address to your Pages will obey the hierarchy you create for a common-sense web address to your page, which is great for SEO:

Be aware that you can create more than one nested level by selecting a ‘Child’ Page to be the ‘Parent’ of another Page, allowing you to create multi-level hierarchy and structure for your website Pages – two levels deep, three levels deep, more – whatever your site calls for.