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SEO keywords

In the early days of search engines, using tons of meta keywords became such an abused and inaccurate technique for getting search hits, that search engines dramatically reduced the value of keywords within their results. Today engines like Google give zero weight to keywords in their search rankings. That said, we like to give our users control, so you can enter keywords for your blog here, separated by commas with a limit of 10.

Checking the “post tag” check box will also use any WordPress tags on your posts as keywords on that page.

Individual words vs. phrases

It is generally not recommended to dream up the precise search phrases visitors might search for – let the search engines figure this out for you, and avoid the temptation of repeating words in a different ways:

new york wedding photographer, new york photographer wedding, wedding photographer new york

should be simplified to something like this:

new york, wedding, photographer

All variations of those terms will be matched.

Capitalization and plurals

It is not necessary to account for capitalization or plurals for your search words – again, search engines are intelligent and will handle this for you – it’s best to stick with the ‘basic’ form of any word and let the search engines handle the rest:

los angeles, Los angeles, Los Angeles, newborn, Newborn, baby, Baby, babies, Babies, portrait, portraits, Portrait, Portraits

should be simplified to something like this:

los angeles, newborn, baby, portrait