In “ProPhoto > Settings > Translation” change any of the text that the ProPhoto theme automatically includes on your site (such as the comment form, search page, messages to the user, etc).
This is useful if you’re wanting to translate these words and phrases into a different language, or if you simply want to change the wording for your own personal style.
Use ProPhoto in another language
The ProPhoto user interface is available only in English at this time.
Use WordPress in another language
If you want the WordPress user interface presented in another language, you may install different language files. See these links for more info:
Display my WordPress site in multiple languages
If you want to present your site in more than one language, you may want check out plugins for WordPress.
The most popular option is the WPML translation plugin for WordPress. It may be purchased separately from their site, and will give you the ability to create translation copies of each post of your blog and each page of your site. You can also use the WPML string translation tool to create variations of each word or phrase that is shown on your site by our ProPhoto software.
Tech support is provided by the team at WPML, so you may contact them for help.