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Google PageSpeed Insights

page-speed-folder-iconSearch engines use speed as a ranking signal, but the specifics can get a little confusing – especially if you run your site through a speed tester (including Bluehost’s supercharge page) and get a report with a bunch of warnings.

In practice, the results of speed tests are good guidelines and will not affect your site ranking in search. Only the server response time of your web page has been shown to affect ranking, so a page caching tool can be useful.

But faster sites are a good thing, so we’ll highlight the most common warnings you might see, and what you can do as a ProPhoto user to improve them.

Be aware as you read below that tools like Google PageSpeed Insights may give reports separately for mobile and desktop views of your site. Review both reports for feedback.

Google shows mobile and desktop results in separate tabbed views

Google shows mobile and desktop results in separate tabbed views

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