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Add a form to your site

Any form created in “ProPhoto > Customizer > Forms” can be added to any post/page content area or as a widget to a template.

Add form to a page

In the visual editor for a page, hover the ProPhoto dropdown and click, Insert Form.contact_form_add_pageSelect which form you want to embed and click to insert.contact_form_page_selectYour form will appear in your page as shortcode that reference the unique ID of that form.contact_page_shortcode

To add a different form, delete this short code, then insert again and select a new form. Your form will appear under your page title in the content of the page. As you edit the form in “ProPhoto > Customizer > Forms”, those edits will automatically appear wherever you are displaying the form.

Add form to a template

Use a Form Widget to insert a form into a template. A form inserted in this way will appear on every page that is displaying the template into which it was inserted. In “ProPhoto > Customizer > Layout” simply add a widget, select P6 Form Widget, select the form type you want to use and click “Create Widget.”

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