Embed video from a web service (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
Embed web videos into a page or post
To display a video from an external service (like Vimeo, YouTube, etc.) in WordPress posts or pages, all you have to do is add the corresponding block and paste in the video url. Search for your service or expand the EMBEDS tab when adding a block.
If your media service is not supported you’ll need to paste embed code from your media source into a custom HTML block.
Classic Editor
Embed web videos into a page or post
To display a video from an external service (like Vimeo, YouTube, etc.) in WordPress posts or pages, all you have to do is paste the address of the video right into your editor, and WordPress takes care of the rest. It will even show a preview of the video right in your editor! Dang, that’s simple.
Preview your post to make sure it embeds and plays correctly.
If you need specific custom dimensions for your video, or want it to be responsive then follow the next two sections.
Embeds with specific custom dimensions
Generally, online services will simply give you an embed code for any video/slideshow that you create or upload at their sites. You can copy the code that they supply you, and then paste the code into a text editor or text widget within your site. The examples below are from YouTube and Vimeo. For other video sites, look for a “share” or “embed” link that provides code to customize, copy and paste.
Once you’ve copied the embed code, create (or edit) a post in WordPress, and switch into Text mode by clicking on the “Text” tab in the upper right corner of the post-writing area.
Once you’re in Text mode, paste in the embed code you copied.
As soon as you publish, you have your custom video displaying right inside a blog post. Cool! If adding the iframe to a P6 Text Widget make sure to paste in “Tools > source code”.
Individual videos can be made responsive by passing the video url or iframe through a responsive embed code generator, like http://embedresponsively.com/. Then, you paste that into area that receives HTML. If your media source is not listed (e.g. Animoto) use the Generic iFrame option to have an iFrame converted.