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Your ProPhoto Version

Make a portfolio area

Important concepts

With ProPhoto, there are a variety of tools at your disposal as you consider how to present portfolio galleries to your potential clients. Your portfolio area could be as simple as linking to pages with images in them to building custom tiles that link to pages that have been assigned custom layouts. Below are listed the main tools one might consider using  for a portfolio area.

  1. Gallery pages – Every gallery you create is its own custom post type and has it’s own unique url. All your galleries are listed in “Galleries > All Galleries”. So you don’t have to insert a gallery into a page for it to have it’s own url. These exist all on their own and can be linked to from menu links, graphics modules, grids or text links. See our galleries overview.
  2. Gallery display options – A gallery can display from its own page, be inserted into a standard WordPress post/page or added as a gallery module in a layout.
  3. Menu links – You can add menu links to any page or post or gallery page on your site. There are special link types for linking to gallery pages and regular WordPress pages. Create a dropdown by dragging a menu link inside another. See our menus overview.
  4. Templates – If your portfolio page requires a custom widget layout, a template can be created and assigned to that page. See our layouts overview.